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In 2013, the New Zealand Transport Agency began developing a long-term behavioural change programme that aimed to reduce the harm caused by drunk and drugged drivers. Included in this was raising awareness of the severity and prevalence of drugged driving. From July 2018, alcohol interlock licences will be enforced in an attempt to further penalise repeat drunk driving offenders and set them on track for sober driving. Drawn from the authoritative resource Becroft and Hall's Transport Law, this book details the relevant parts and sections from the Land Transport Act, Sentencing Principles and Practice and the Bill of Rights Act, ensuring that all practitioners working in this area of law are sufficiently informed. Features:_ Written by experts in the field of transport law, Geoff Hall and Judge Andrew Becroft provides a technical and practical source of expertly written guidance relating to drunk and impaired driving offenses.Much needed commentary on the overhauls in legislation that have taken place in the last 5 years.

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  • Current Releases
  • Criminal Law
  • Sentencing

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ISBN 9781927183397

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