Clients: Can't live with them, can't live without them (On Demand)


This On Demand was recorded on 2 February 2022.

Stress is an inevitable part of being a lawyer, and whether we are aware of it or not, the way we handle our clients significantly contributes to our stress levels, especially clients who are difficult or under pressure themselves.

If you haven’t already, at some stage in your legal career you will encounter difficult, stressed and/or irate clients. Successfully managing stressful situations involving the very ‘lifeblood of a practice’ can be tricky; and knowing when and how to draw the line and set professional boundaries, can be extremely challenging – especially if you are in the early stages of your career.

In this On Demand, a criminal lawyer, family lawyer and professional executive coach have collaborated to outline some of the strategies you can adopt to better manage difficult/stressed clients and situations.

Who should view?

All junior and intermediate lawyers.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn about ways to manage stressed and stressful clients and situations, set professional boundaries, and remain objective.
  • Discussion of how the Rules of Client Care and Conduct help with your relationship with your clients.
  • Understand the importance of balancing your mental health and well-being with client expectations.
  • Learn how to build rapport and trust with difficult clients.
  • Learn about communication techniques and aspects of emotional intelligence to better manage stressful situations.
  • Become aware of resources and services available to assist.

Presenter Details


Ellen Snedden | Senior Solicitor, Simpson Western


Julie-Anne Kincade KC | Blackstone Chambers


Kirsty Swadling | Barrister, Ponsonby Chambers


Katie Gray | Executive Coach, Co-Founder and Director of Coaching Advocates

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
