Helen Mackay


Helen leads NewLaw firm and in-house legal services provider Juno Legal. She has been an in-house lawyer and legal champion for more than 25 years, is a former President and CEO of the In-house Lawyers Association of New Zealand and co-chair of the founding committee of In-House Counsel Worldwide. Her personal driver is in enabling lawyers to navigate their own pathways in the legal profession, and in ensuring the profession is safe, diverse and inclusive as well as better serving client interests. 

In 2023, Helen was awarded a Borrin Travel and Learning scholarship to research emerging legal trends internationally and to present her findings to the New Zealand legal profession. She is also the co-founder of Future Law Aotearoa Group (FLAG). Helen has been recognised as Managing Partner of the Year <100 lawyers at the 2022 New Zealand Law Awards and by NZ Lawyer as an Influential Lawyer in 2022 and 2023.
