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Rebekah Armstrong, Director, Business and Human Rights Consultants and Head of Advocacy and Justice for World Vision

Nicola Swan, Partner (Litigation and Dispute Resolution / Business and Human Rights) Chapman Tripp (Wellington)


Global demand from regulators, investors, business partners and consumers for more sustainable supply chains is escalating. This trend is increasingly requiring businesses to either identify modern slavery risks in their supply chains, take steps to mitigate such risks, or make public disclosures. Legislation passed in the UK in 2015 and Australia in 2018 require large entities to publish annual modern slavery statements explaining modern slavery risk management in their operations and downstream supply chains.

There has been a recent push for modern slavery legislation in New Zealand requiring public and private entities to report on the risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains. Having identified a gap in New Zealand’s legislative framework, Government will be consulting on public policy options for a New Zealand Modern Slavery Act in early 2022.

These Materials cover the existing and emerging legal and ethical requirements around engaging suppliers and vendors, and the resulting impact on businesses. They also outline some practical steps that businesses can take now to minimise modern slavery related risk in their supply chains and operations.

These materials will help you:

  • Understand the Australian legislation, as well as other responsible supplier laws worldwide, and what these mean for New Zealand businesses.
  • Receive an update on New Zealand’s progress towards modern slavery legislation.
  • Learn about the practical steps that your clients can start taking to minimise modern slavery related risk in their supply chains and operations.
  • Benefit from insights into practical steps New Zealand businesses are already taking to manage responsible supply chain risks.
  • Receive practical guidance on contractual clauses requiring responsible, sustainable and ethical practices on the part of suppliers and other business partners.

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  • CPD Papers

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