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The New Zealand Women’s Law JournalTe Aho Kawe Kaupapa Ture a ngā Wāhine—is a significant academic publication dedicated exclusively to legal scholarship concerning gender justice within the law. It also actively supports women lawyers in New Zealand. 

The primary aim of the journal is to raise awareness about gender justice in the legal field.

  • It provides a platform for scholarly discourse on topics related to women, gender perspectives, and the law.
  • Articles cover both domestic and international issues relevant to gender justice.
  • The journal encourages an intersectional approach, examining issues related to race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

In summary, the New Zealand Women’s Law Journal plays a crucial role in advancing gender justice, fostering legal scholarship, and empowering women in the legal profession. Its commitment to intersectionality ensures a comprehensive exploration of issues affecting women within the legal landscape.

We are selling it as a set of all 8 volumes published so far including the 2023 volume.

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  • Books
  • Current Releases

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Non-Member Price: $208.70*


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