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Materials comprised of a Paper and PowerPoint Handout. 


Bridgette White, Barrister, Bankside Chambers

Joanna Trezise, Senior Associate, Russell McVeagh


The written statements of witnesses are a crucial part of any civil proceeding. Whether in the form of briefs of evidence, affidavits or "will say" statements, each provides the opportunity to ensure the key information is conveyed to the Court and to the other parties, and that your case is presented in the strongest possible light. Preparing them will also compel you to grapple fully with the detail of the evidence in your case, ensuring you are as informed as you can be of its strengths and weaknesses in the lead up to trial.

These materials will cover the fundamentals of the preparation of written evidence, including procedural obligations, formal requirements under the court rules, and some practical tips.

These Materials will help you:

  • Learn about the differences between affidavits, briefs of evidence and "will say" statements, and the rules that apply to each.
  • Receive practical advice regarding the preparation of written statements of witnesses, from the selection of witnesses, briefing witnesses, to putting pen to paper.
  • Hear what recent court decisions can teach us about the best approach in the preparation of written evidence (and what to steer clear of).
  • Refresh on the technical formalities for briefs of evidence, affidavits and their accompanying exhibits.

Intended Audience:

Litigators up to intermediate level and those more senior seeking a refresher. General practitioners who do some litigation work will also benefit from attending.

Filed under

  • Books
  • CPD Papers

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