Cradle to Grave 2023: The Expansion of Fiduciary Obligations: stretch goal or over-reach? (On Demand)


This On Demand was originally recorded on 25/5/2023.

Andrew Steele and Anthony Grant tackle the controversial subject of fiduciary relationships, particularly in cases involving child abuse and family trusts. Drawing on New Zealand's legal position and contrasting it with Canadian and Australian perspectives, this debate sparks intense discussions on the expansion of fiduciary duties and its far-reaching implications. The exchange of ideas, the clash of opinions, and the passionate arguments make this video a must-watch for legal professionals, and anyone interested in the evolving dynamics of fiduciary law. Witness a debate that not only educates but also entertains, as leading legal minds spar over a subject that resonates across jurisdictions and affects many lives.

Learning Outcomes

In respect of fiduciary obligations and the Alphabet case, benefit from witnessing a debate on the expansion of fiduciary obligations and the potential implications for advising will-makers and others regarding potential liability for breach of such obligations.

Presenter Details

Anthony Grant, Barrister, Paladin Chambers
Andrew Steele, Barrister

Moderator: Sandra Grant, Barrister, Paladin Chambers

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
