Networking for Legal Professionals 101 (Workshop)


For many years networking has been a great way to develop client relationships and build a healthy pipeline of contacts and clients for lawyers. However, many lawyers feel they lack the skills, or more importantly the confidence, to be able to attend these events and network effectively.

This 2-hour highly interactive training session provides practical tips, with plenty of exercises for attendees to hone their skills and build their confidence in small groups and in a very safe environment.

To replicate a real networking situation, refreshments will be served during this session. As you learn with other professionals, you'll also naturally network with them, test skills and build your network.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

  • Discover the essential preparation to undertake before-hand.
  • Learn how to introduce yourself with impact.
  • Become apprised of how to join & leave conversations.
  • Develop a better awareness of the questions to ask at events.
  • Learn how to remember people and conversation details.
  • Find out how to secure the next meeting.
  • Uncover the secrets for networking at online conferences/events.

Who should attend?

Any legal professional who wants to develop their networking skills.


Pricing Details

CPD Hours

Registrations Close


