A View from the Family Court Bench (On Demand)


This On Demand was recorded on 30 March 2021.

What do Judges want? And how can you give it to them? Focusing on the Family Court, this On Demand provides key insights into the workings of the registry and court, and guidance on various ways in which you can do the best job for your client.

Who should view?

Anyone who appears in the Family Court.

Learning Outcomes

In respect of the Family Court:

  • Become privy to what the Judge has (and does not have) in front of them, both in terms of the file and technological resources, and when they get to see the file relative to the matter being in court.
  • Benefit from attaining a better understanding of what happens in the process, from the filing of proceedings to when you appear in court.
  • Delve into the interface and liaison between the registry and judiciary.
  • Gain valuable insights into what’s important (and what’s not) from a Judge’s perspective, and what they desire from lawyers including conduct and etiquette; pleadings, memoranda and submissions; familiarity with the law; knowledge of their case and its theory; and appropriate consideration of settlement matters.

Presenter Details

His Honour Judge de Jong
His Honour Judge Burns
Her Honour Judge von Keisenberg
Aloema Futialo
Justine Ng Lam
Brian Carter

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
