Investing vs Speculating (for legal professionals) (On Demand)


This On Demand was recorded on 20 May 2021.

There is a difference between investing and speculating. Evidence shows that around 80% of professional active money managers underperform the market they are mandated to beat over a five-year period. Why is this the case?

Patrick Fogarty is the Client Director at The Private Office, a boutique wealth management business specialising in providing tailored financial planning and investment management for senior members of the legal community.

Patrick’s evidenced-based talk highlights key principles that underpin successful investment strategies, and show how understanding these (often simple) ideas can have a huge impact on your ability to create financial independence.

Who should view?

Anyone is welcome. The ideas communicated in this session are universal in nature and are relevant for anyone who would like to gain clear and objective insights into the world of investing.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the difference between investing and speculating.
  • Recognise the difference between genuine advice vs marketing.
  • Understand the steps that can be taken to achieve your long-term financial objectives.
  • Recognise the pitfalls that lead to poor long-term investment outcomes.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how academia has shaped the investing landscape.

Presenter Details

Patrick Fogarty

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
