Towards Sustainability: The Role of the Law Firm (On Demand)


This On Demand was originally recorded on 16 November 2021.

A thriving, resilient, safe, and ultimately sustainable world is an enticing prospect. It's also an imperative. What responsibilities do lawyers and law firms have to help bring about that future?

Appreciating that it’s not just from environmental necessity that we should act is a good starting point – being part of the solution also has advantages in many other areas including business/commerce, employment, community and wellbeing.

In this On Demand, our experienced panelists − spanning the fields of law, business and consulting − get to the nub of what ‘sustainability’ is and means, highlight the risks of complacency, and focus on the opportunities that exist to effect change not only for the good of the planet but for better business and greater client satisfaction.

Who should view?

All legal professionals, particularly partners/principals/directors and practice/office managers in small to medium-sized firms, and barristers.

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain a better understanding of what sustainability is and what it means, and of the impact of your actions.
  • Improve your knowledge of the risks of complacency and of not embracing sustainability, which range from regulatory and negligence to operational and credibility.
  • Discover the opportunities that will not only effect necessary change but will reap commercial benefits, such as attracting clients; procuring work; and attracting and retaining staff.
  • Learn how sustainability plays out, in advising clients and in running a law practice, and making it meaningful (such as drafting with a climate risk lens).
  • Secure insights into the resources available to assist you, tools and frameworks available for measuring sustainability progress, and how to achieve benchmarks such as carbon certification.
  • Benefit from the sharing of watershed moments, real-life experiences and case studies.

Presenter Details

Debra Dorrington
Nicole Xanthopol
Mary Heath
Hugo Miller

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
