Examining Ellis (On Demand)


This On Demand was originally recorded on 20 June 2023

Legal principles, developments, and learnings

The Ellis case is one of the most talked-about, high-profile and controversial in Aotearoa New Zealand’s history. But behind the hype – or perhaps because of it – lie some significant legal principles, developments and learnings of value and interest to all legal practitioners.

In this On Demand, many of those involved in the presentation of the defence/appellate case will share their insights, experiences and reflections, supplemented by judicial commentary.

Who should Watch?

Those practising in Criminal law (including prosecutors), civil litigators, and any other legal professional as well as anyone who has a general interest in the case.

Learning Outcomes

In respect of the Ellis case:

  • Refresh your knowledge of the case, through a timeline through to filing the appeal (including for the granting of leave, which broke with tradition).
  • Develop a better understanding of how tikanga was drawn upon in the case and the implications of the decision in a range of other areas of law.
  • Delve into how the scientific evidence was exposed and corrected.
  • Gain insights into how the propensity argument was undermined.
  • Benefit from other observations about the running of the case

Presenter Details

Rob Harrison

Kingi Snelgar

Natalie Coates

Susan Gray

Bridget Irvine

His Honour Judge Patel - Chair

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
