This illuminative webinar will concentrate on the intricacies of the Criminal Procedure Act 2011 (the “Act”). The event will provide a comprehensive overview of the various stages entailed in a criminal hearing, including arrest, charging, first appearance, plea, case management, case review, and trial.
Distinguished professionals intimately involved in different stages of the criminal procedure will contribute their unique insights, sharing their experiences and providing pragmatic guidance on the effective utilization of the Act to expedite court processes and enhance client outcomes.
Professionals practicing Criminal Law, including prosecutors, registrars, service managers, and Judge clerks.
Samira Taghavi, Barrister and Practice Manager, Active Legal Solutions
Trevor Ng, Deputy Registrar | Auckland District Court
Lily Nunweek, Senior Crown Prosecutor, Meredith Connell
Jerry Jiang, Police Prosecutor
Chair: Her Honour Judge Sellars KC