Getting to Grips with Practical Aspects of the Criminal Procedure Act (On Demand)


This On Demand was recorded on 27 January 2022.

The Criminal Procedure Act 2011 (CPA) was designed to improve the speed and efficiency of the criminal court process. The reforms in 2013 were intended to lead to fewer court events and fewer cases needing to proceed to trial objectives that are now more important than ever to achieve, especially in the current Covid-19 environment.

In this On Demand, discover how to use the CPA more effectively, and make your life easier. Receive practical tips and valuable insights into key sections of the Act, the forms available, and how the defence, prosecution, and court registry staff can work together to avoid multiple and unnecessary court appearances.

Who should view?

All criminal defence lawyers, prosecutors and court registry staff.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn strategies about, and gain valuable insights into, the way that the CPA can be utilised to avoid unnecessary appearances in court whilst progressing a matter.
  • Discover various forms available to handle appearance on papers and avoid in person appearances.Gain insights into completing Case Management Meeting (CMM) and Case Review Hearing (CRH) procedure to best advantage for your clients.
  • Receive valuable insights into the way that the CPA can be utilised to get the Judge involved in the CRH hearing, and to put pressure on the prosecution to move forward with disclosure and to realistically evaluate their case with a view to meaningful resolution.
  • Refresh your knowledge of the provisions of the CPA that underpin first appearance, second appearance, CMM's and CRH's, and adjournments.

Presenter Details

Samira Taghavi
Phil Miles

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
