Cradle to Grave 2023: Valuation Issues in Relationship Property Cases: a 2023 perspective (On Demand)


In a rapidly changing real estate market, how do you navigate the complex legal landscape of relationship property valuations? Brian Carter's examines the legal intricacies of property valuations in relationship cases. From the general principles governing property values to the challenges of valuing KiwiSaver entitlements and family chattels, Carter explores real-life cases and legal strategies.

He also examines the impact of market volatility on property values and the legal provisions that guide the valuation process. This session is essential for legal professionals seeking to understand the contemporary issues surrounding relationship property valuations in New Zealand.

Learning Outcomes

In respect of real estate valuation issues in relationship property cases, examine the legal issues and potential strategies; and look at issues relating to values of KiwiSaver and superannuation schemes, and family chattels including cars.

Presenter Details

Brian Carter, Barrister

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
