Privacy Kōrero (On Demand)


This On Demand was recorded on Tuesday 27 July 2021.

With a heightened interest in privacy in the Covid world, and following the informative and pragmatic Privacy 2020 seminar, this session addresses topical issues for 2021: collection of and requests for personal information; employment issues; mandatory reporting; and dealing with complaints.

Who should view?

This seminar is relevant to all legal professionals, regardless of the area(s) of law in which they practise.

Learning Outcomes

  • Refresh and strengthen your understanding of the information privacy principles, including the circumstances in which you can collect personal information, and your obligations once you hold it.
  • Get to grips with Principle 6 access to personal information requests, including determining what is and is not ‘personal information’.
  • Become apprised of employment-related matters and decisions arising in the privacy sphere, including in respect of Covid-19 vaccinations.
  • Deepen your understanding of the circumstances in which mandatory notifications (including cross-border) are required of privacy breaches, and how to approach them.
  • Become updated on OPC’s complaints process and decisions issued.
  • Benefit from the opportunity to have your questions answered by those at the coalface.

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
