When an inspector comes knocking (On Demand)


This On Demand was recorded on Tuesday 17 August 2021.

When an inspector comes knocking: Emergency responses to environmental and safety incidents

What should you advise a client when an incident first happens?

Is your client required to notify the regulator and, if so, when?

How should your client deal with the regulator?

Is your client required to participate in any regulatory investigation?

How can your client seek to participate effectively in the process?

Who should view?

All lawyers who advise clients on responding to environmental and safety incidents in emergency situations, including advice on the initial response, incident notification to regulators, and managing the investigation process.

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain an introduction to notification requirements to Councils and WorkSafe following an environmental and safety incident.
  • Understand how to advise clients on responding to and managing an incident, including dealing with the regulators and responding effectively to the investigation process.
  • Understand the similarities and differences between the environmental and safety regulatory regimes.
  • Understand when to invoke legal privilege to protect your client’s position.
  • Manage your client’s participation in regulatory investigations and their exposure to potential liability.

Presenter Details

Tim Clarke
David Collins

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
